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Collaborative Learning – Why it is Needed in Both Education and Business?

Collaborative Learning – Why it is Needed in Both Education and Business?

by Rural Canvas -
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In today's business world, there is a growing demand for skilled professionals, who are able to work effectively in collaborative environments. They are expected to be able to work in teams with an interdisciplinary mindset, with a strong interest in networking and by continuously building their interactive qualities. We might even claim such abilities have become the prerequisites to a successful career path. 

Collaborative learning generally refers to using groups where participants learn together and from each other by solving a common problem. It has been shown to positively affect various skills, such as self-reflection, problem-solving abilities and higher-level thinking.  Currently, collaborative learning is often used as a pedagogic approach in higher education with a strong emphasis on teamwork. However, this approach is often implemented within, rather than across, sectors. So, there is also a need for new educational approaches that emphasize collaborative learning in an interdisciplinary context.

Collaborative learning means sharing of knowledge between the team members. Transfer of knowledge is especially essential in interdisciplinary learning projects, where the focus is on identifying and solving wicked problems which demand multiple professional perspectives. This is where the framework of design thinking comes into play. 

Design thinking is both a mindset and a process, which can be used to solve challenging problems with creating innovative ideas, developing testable concepts and evaluating their market potential. In addition, design thinking becomes close to the agile development process where various types of expertise are put into action in a timely manner.

When considering the potential of collaborative learning in the business world, we can already see that many companies involve customers in product and service development in, for instance,  creative workshops. In such co-creational events, companies get a new understanding of their customers while customers give information about their potential needs. So, it is evident that collaborative learning can be a powerful tool for companies that want to create innovative and customer-oriented products and services. 

Collaborative learning emphasizes teamwork, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which have become key skills in the business world. By using collaborative learning effectively, companies can not only benefit from the collective wisdom of their customers but also to boost productivity by building better services for their customers. 

Collaborative learning might not be a new thing for any educational institute or business organization. However, the interactions and knowledge shared in collaborative learning always brings something new for both individuals and organizations. For instance, it helps us to understand diverse perspectives and improve our communication skills, supports workplace engagement as well as self-management and leadership skills. What knowledge and skills would you want to learn together with your colleagues?